The Jackman Family of Four

Our Life on a Webpage

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

My Garden is actually growing.

Where we are living right now has a big patch of dirt in the backyard that used to be a deck. My husband and I decided we would try our hand at this gardening thing. To be honest I was a little bit skeptical about anything really happening. "You mean when you plant a seed in the ground and water it everyday it will really grow into something that you can eat?" I had my doubts. But what do you know, it happened. Here's proof. I'm so proud. Maybe it's lame that I'm taking pictures of it, but hey this is my blog.
Crook Neck Squash! Can you see them in there!
Zucchini! Bring on the zuccini bread
And my pathetic green beans. They aren't doing very well. I guess you're supposed to add some mulch to the dirt before planting. How am I supossed to know that? I also have tomatoes but they are still small and insignificant.


Blogger King Klan said...

I was going to tell you how impressed i was at you having a garden when i was over and i forgot but it's GREAT!

May 8, 2007 at 4:34 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Look at you! Blogging, gardening, making my party invitations...oh, and lets not forget, this woman makes her own pizza! I wanna be like you.

May 8, 2007 at 10:33 PM  

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