The Jackman Family of Four

Our Life on a Webpage

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I guess after a year of never posting anything, I should hop to it! Baby girl number three is here and I must say I can't believe that I actually felt as though my life was complete before she was welcomed into it. She just popped out (TMA?) and made our life more calm and more filled with love. Of all three of our additions to the family, this was by far the easiest transition.

When a stranger learns that I have three girls they usually remark with, "Three girls? WOW!" followed with some kind of facial spasm! The question usually to follow is, " Are you going to try for that boy?" I must admit that the thought that runs through my head first is, "why would I ever want one of those?" But of course I never reply that way!! I try to oblige them with the answer they are looking for and act as though a boy would be a true blessing. The truth is (No offense to those of you who have adorable little boys) that I guess I don't know what I am "missing out on" as you all call it. I am perfectly content with my three girls and according to me nothing could be better. Besides, at this point I feel as if a little boy were to eventually come into the family he would be tortured and dressed up and poked and prodded and would probably be bossed around constantly. It would just be cruel for Heavenly Father to send a boy now. In a few years you may all be laughing at my predicament when I have a boy on the way! Wow... I sound cynical!! I swear I'm not!

Anyway... This is sweet Mallory Kay!!! I just want to squeeze her all the time and if I weren't so busy all day, I would! She is the happiest baby and right now her favorite toy is a human face to look at and laugh with!

Delaney Marie! Goofy girl. She is my softy. Can't stand to see anyone cry or be upset. So sensitive and yet always trying to make me laugh. I must admit I am a pretty easy crowd. I'm just a bit partial to her. I do fear, however, that I'm going to give her a false sense of her own comedic genius. Oh well... she has her whole life to be disappointed!

Madelyn Mae. She is truly a spit fire. So self assured that sometime I find myself learning lessons from her on how to truly be myself without worrying what others may think. She has no doubt that she is smart and funny and that everyone she meets will one day(even if it's not today) be her friend! And you know what, everyone does, if not instantly, than eventually come around to it!

Well here they are. Till next Year! Eehhhh..... just kidding, I'll try not to wait so long. No promises though. I'm way to afraid of commitment
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Blogger Unknown said...

Mallory reminds me alot of Maddie when she was a baby!!! I LOVE having 3 girls! We should start a club!
Thanks for the update. The girls are getting so big and they are just beautiful!

May 8, 2010 at 2:47 PM  
Blogger Andrea said...

I love those face shots! Also glad to see you blogging!

May 8, 2010 at 7:01 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful!

May 9, 2010 at 12:11 AM  
Blogger King Klan said...

Welcome back I felt so left out of your life with out your blog

May 10, 2010 at 10:32 AM  
Blogger Emily Peery said...

Your better than I. I think it has been two years since I blogged last. Maddie is actually sleeping with Ella and Jonas in a tent in the back yard as I write this. I sure love your girls!

May 14, 2010 at 10:28 PM  
Blogger Mindi said...

I am so sad that I haven't had a chance to see/hold Mallory!!! So cute Kates..glad that all is well! Lots of love and miss you!

May 16, 2010 at 6:23 AM  

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